What’s The Difference Between At-Home & In-Office Teeth Whitening?

If you have stained teeth in Sunbury and you’re interested in teeth whitening from Dr. Katelyn Miller at Shine Dental, you may be wondering what the best option is for whitening your smile. Should you choose professional at-home whitening from Shine Dental, or an in-office appointment with Dr. Miller? What’s the difference? Find out below! 

Understanding The At-Home Teeth Whitening Process

With at-home teeth whitening, you can perform the entire teeth whitening process in the comfort of your own home. 

The treatment begins with a consultation at Shine Dental. Dr. Miller will examine your mouth and ensure that teeth whitening is right for you. Then, she will use putty and dental trays to take impressions of your teeth. These impressions will be used to create a set of high-quality, reusable whitening trays that will fit your teeth perfectly. 

You’ll come back to our office in a few weeks to pick up your whitening trays, and Dr. Miller will also provide you with a set of professional-grade whitening products that have been customized to provide you with the results you want. 

Then, you’ll simply whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home, usually for about an hour a day for several weeks. By the end of your treatment, your smile will look and feel brand-new!

Understanding The In-Office Teeth Whitening Process

In-office whitening is performed by Dr. Miller at our office, and is a great option if you want fast results for a special occasion. After Dr. Miller approves you for treatment, you’ll come into our office for your teeth whitening treatment.

Dr. Miller will begin by applying a protective coating to your gums, and retract your cheeks. Then, she will begin painting a powerful whitening compound onto your teeth. Once your teeth have been treated, she will use a UV light to excite this compound, and boost its whitening power. 

This process may be repeated several times depending on your current level of staining and your desired level of brightness. By the end of your procedure, your smile will typically look at least 5 shades whiter! 

What’s Right For Me? At-Home Or In-Office Teeth Whitening? 

As a rule, we recommend in-office teeth whitening if you want the fastest possible results. For example, if you have a wedding coming up and you want your teeth to look their best, in-office whitening will typically be your best option.

However, at-home whitening is usually a better option if you’d prefer to spend less time in the dentist’s chair. It’s also typically a little bit cheaper than in-office whitening. In addition, while at-home and in-office whitening deliver identical results, at-home whitening is more subtle, because it takes a few weeks to reach your maximum brightness. This means it’s a better option if you don't want it to be obvious that you have had your teeth whitened.

Get The Brighter Smile You Deserve At Shine Dental 

At Shine Dental, Dr. Katelyn Miller can help you get the smile you deserve with cosmetic dentistry in Sunbury. To schedule an appointment and learn more about at-home and in-office whitening, just contact us online or give us a call at 740-936-3083.

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